Case Study: Consolidating 19 Brands into 1
From a house of brands to a branded house
The challenge:
Superloop is an ASX-listed emerging telco provider, notable for its network and cable system linking Australia, Hong Kong & Singapore and more recently NBN offering to Australians. Over the course of the last 3 years the organisation has been in aggressive acquisition mode, accumulating 19 businesses, all serving different market segments and channels. Superloop needed help consolidating brands into an architecture that made sense to be able to market to both B2B and B2C customers.
The opportunity:
Consolidating 19 disparate brands under a single Brand Architecture would serve the 4 market segments and all the products offered under each of them. A sum greater than its parts. Ultimately this would ensure brand consistency across channels and maximise the marketing budget behind a single brand. Focused brand and focused resourcing.
Our approach:
We applied our stakeholder alignment methodology to ensure that all key players; including the Board, C-Suite, majority shareholders, employees and the community were considered with an outcome that served all them, and minimised the risk of failure for any business activity. Our approach was to ensure an architecture that delivered economies of scale across budgets whilst delivering impact for different business activities. Also critical in the process was to define a brand Purpose and Unique Value Proposition which strongly differentiated Superloop from its much larger competitors, and positions it as a viable challenger brand.
We used a range of research techniques including focus groups, surveys and internal stakeholder interviews.
– ensuring the brand solution covered the needs of very disparate business activities, segments and services
– aligning very sensitive and sometimes subjective stakeholders, including past owners of the acquired entities still involved in the business and with strong ties to the previous brand names
– economies of scale, driving cost savings and operational efficiency
– brand strength and clarity to position Superloop to grow aggressively over the next 3 years.
The Superloop logo and device
The circular spinning ‘super loop’ device was well liked by focus groups
Consolidating 19 Brands Into 1
The result:
The new brand has been unanimously adopted by the Board and C-Suite and is now in market.
– 19 brands consolidated under a single brand and position that talks to the 4 key segments of Wholesale, Enterprise, SME and Residential
– an internal roll-out strategy to build ownership and understanding, and effective implementation, across all business locations and teams
– confidence to bid for and win primary naming rates for the Adelaide 500 racing event, which is now called the Superloop Adelaide 500 for the next 3 years
– kick-off for the creation of the first through-the-line communication campaign
The Superloop logo and deviceThe Superloop logo and device
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